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Legal notice

Identification and publication



This site is published by the company Est Evasion SRL with capital, registered in Ploiesti under number J29/1004/2018 whose registered office is 2 Barbu Catargiu, Ploiesti, Prahova, Romania.


Registered at the Tourism Minister of Romania: 1757.



The processing of the personal data operated by Est Evasion SRL from the site www.est-evasion.com has been the subject of a declaration n ° 2052503 v 0 to the CNIL (National Commission of Informatics and Privacy).


Director of the publication: Annemarie Hoarau


Photos source: Tourist Office Slovenia (www.slovenia.info); Tourist office Serbia; Tourist office Romania; Tourist office Bulgaria; Tourist office Croatia; Tourist officeBosnia & Herzegovina; Tourist office Albania; Tourist office Montenegro; Tourist office Macedonia; Tourist office Slovakia; Tourist office Hungary; Photos free of rights collected on various sites (Visualhunt; Pixabay); Arttour Romania; Photos Gheorghe Petrila; Other photos with a publishing agreement.



This site was created by Rocher Balnc, a company specializing in creating customized websites. The company is registered in Monaco. Its registered office is 2 rue du Gabian, Les Industries - 8ème ètage, 98000, Monaco.



If you have any questions or comments concerning the site, we invite you to contact Est Evasion by e-mail at contact@est-evasion.com.


Intellectual property

The website as well as all the elements composing it and in particular: texts, still or animated images, sound compositions, graphic charter, software and databases etc. are the exclusive property of the company Est Evasion and are protected under the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property. Consequently, any reproduction or representation of this site in whole or in part, any extraction of the database by any process whatsoever, without the express authorization of the company Est Evasion is prohibited. Failure to comply with these provisions would constitute an infringement punishable according to the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property and the Penal Code. The trademarks, trade names and logos appearing on this site are registered. Their total or partial reproduction, made from the elements of the site, is prohibited.